Thursday, March 15, 2018

Chicken oh Benefit!

Hi, Assalamulaikum guys?

Thanks again for viewing my blog; what we will talk about chicken today? The title of our post today is Chicken oh Benefit! There is some reasons why I choose that topic today. We aware about people very love chicken especially kids right? It is like most of people in the world like chicken but there are some people think that by eating chicken there is no benefit. So let's me talk about the benefit of chicken.

By some of my reading, I found that Emily Lockhart have listed the some benefits of eating chicken and it is make me so impress. Help me become more confident to talk about benefit of chicken. So lets start with the first one!

1. High in Protein!

Do you aware about that? Do you know what is high in Protein? Actually when you eat chicken, chicken actually helps you to build your muscles and loss fat! So u guess, people that love chicken, should aware that when they eat chicken, chicken help them to build the muscle and a healthy body. It is suitable for bodybuilder. 

2. Helps to prevent bone loss

One day, we will old and as a senior years; we should take care ourselves about the bone loss. Believe of not, actually chicken can help for prevent the bone loss! eating chicken can help you fight with your bone loss because protein punch it packs.

3. For eye health!

It is weird right? because we only think about carrot. But it is! this is because Chicken is has a high in retinol, lycopene and all vital from vitamin A. That is vital for eyesight. 

4. Protection from cancer

You will be shoked, but it is; this is because chicken rich in niacin. Niacin is other name for nicotinic acid which is a vitamin of the B complex which is widely distributed in foods such as milk, wheat germ, and meat, and can be synthesized in the body from tryptophan. Its deficiency causes pellagra. The definition is from Google Translate. Vitamin B helps the body from cancer and other genetic complication. 

As a conclusion, there are a lot of benefit of chicken which are high in protein, helps to prevent bone loss, for eye health and lastly protection cancer. As a chicken loves, we should proud because we love something good!
